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近日 本公司征集精品推荐:乾隆通宝

发布时间:2020-03-23 19:21来源:
近日 本公司征集精品推荐:乾隆通宝 【藏品名称】:乾隆通宝 [collection name]: Qian Long reign 【类别】:钱币 Class: Coins 【规格】:直经25.15mm,厚1.28mm,直经23.76mm,厚1.55mm [Specification]:

近日 本公司征集精品推荐:乾隆通宝


[collection name]: Qian Long reign


Class: Coins


[Specification]: straight longitude 25.15mm, thickness 1.28mm, straight longitude 23.76mm, thickness 1.55mm


乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。乾隆通宝在清高宗乾隆年间进行铸造,该通宝的背面刻了满文,较为的复杂,上面有非常详细的价格和钱币的拓片,钱面上的文字通过楷书进行了书写“乾隆通宝”四字,其字是从上而下而右而左直读。

Qianlong Tongbao was the currency of Qianlong period. During the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong's reign, he used his strategy of "governing the country with culture and martial arts" to create the last glorious era in the feudal society. After that, it was widely spread among the people that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coins could drive away disasters and evil spirits. Because of the homonym of "Qianlong" in Qianlong period, it was loved by later collectors. Qianlong Tongbao was cast in the Qianlong period of Gaozong in the Qing Dynasty. The back of the Tongbao is engraved with Manchu characters, which are more complex. There are very detailed rubbings of prices and coins on it. The characters on the money surface are written in regular script with four characters of "Qianlong Tongbao", which are read directly from top to bottom, right and left.




In 1735, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty ascended the throne and changed to Qianlong. "Qianlong Tongbao" is still required to weigh one yuan and two Fen. The calligraphy and foundry of the money are more exquisite than that of Yongzheng. At first, the Qing government continued to implement the policy of deflation.

This coin was coined in the Qianlong period of Gaozong in the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu characters on the back of the coin are quite complicated, and there are very detailed prices and rubbings on it.



Straight longitude 25.15mm, thickness 1.28mm

In the Qing Dynasty, coins were cast in every year, and the characters of money were generally Manchu and Chinese. Each period's coins, shape, texture and characters have its own unique style and characteristics. Recently, Shenzhen Yongle was lucky enough to collect a Qianlong Tongbao of the Qing Dynasty, weighing 4.2g, which was round with square holes in the middle. On the obverse of the coin, there are four regular script characters of "Qianlong Tongbao". The characters are read directly from top to bottom, right and left. On the back of the coin, there are two characters of "Baoquan" in Manchu. Qian Wen is dignified and beautiful, with forceful writing and strokes, exquisite carving, beautiful and generous appearance, deep and precipitous mouth, smooth and clean mouth, and no trace of casting can be found.



In the collection of Qianlong Tongbao, the price of mother money varies greatly according to different versions. The price of the mother coin of Baoquan palace in Tongbao of Qianlong is about 2 million yuan, while the market value of the mother coin of Baoyuan is only 1.5 million yuan. The price of sample mother money can be higher. The price of sample mother money with Manchu Baoquan is estimated at about 1.8 million.



Straight longitude 23.76mm, thickness 1.55mm

The money is clumsy and neat because of its regular shape. The characters on the money face are thin and deep. The strokes at the points, buttons and turning points are clear. The roots are slightly convex, slightly arc shaped and perpendicular to the floor. There is no drag and water. It is a good product of folk money. Because of its vivid picture, lifelike image, fine production process, rich in profound folk culture connotation, it has the tender and natural paste and obvious traces formed after years of hand touch and play, which is even more unforgettable. In particular, the good coating itself is the best sign that can reflect and represent the vicissitudes of time. In any case, the achievement of Qianlong is something we can't deny. After 60 years of hard work, the "Arts and martial arts" is not bad at all. Of course, it also left us a lot of pen and ink porcelain. However, in the existence of high historical value, Qianlong Tongbao is also a kind that can't be ignored.



According to incomplete statistics, there are hundreds of different versions of Qianlong Tongbao. Some of them are worth a few yuan, some are worth tens or hundreds of yuan, some are worth thousands or even tens of thousands. The economic value of coins varies greatly with different editions. But the vast majority of Qianlong Tongbao belongs to ordinary products with a few yuan.



Enrich art life and transfer art value! If you are interested in this coin, please contact Tingjie Network Service Co., Ltd!



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