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发布时间:2020-03-24 15:38来源:
【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。 [Tibet. Recommen


[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.


【藏 品 名 称】大清铜币(丁未年版)

【藏 品 规 格】直径28.2mm 重68克

【藏 品 类 型】钱币

【 展 示 价 】2000000.00CNY

【collection name】Qing coppers

【Hidden product rules】Diameter 28.2mm weight 68 grams

【collection type】coin

“大清铜币”,反面是一条栩栩如生的神龙。在中国,珍藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,由于中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”反面的龙,能增添一小我私人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的掩护下,趋吉避凶。"Qing dynasty copper COINS", the reverse side is a lifelike dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendants of the dragon, in the folklore, "qing dynasty copper COINS" on the back of the dragon, can add a person's personal luck, so that the time under the cover of the dragon, to avoid misfortune.

多位清帝在位时刊行过铜币来作为流通钱币,铜币的使用具有主要的现实意义和历史意义,使交易逐渐便利起来。而现在,大清铜币也具有一定的珍藏价值,许多珍藏家对大清铜币爱不释手。A number of qing emperors published copper COINS as circulating COINS, the use of copper COINS has the main practical and historical significance, so that transactions gradually convenient. Now, the qing dynasty copper COINS also have a certain value of collection, many collectors of the qing dynasty copper COINS fondle.

清铜币版式繁多,尤以當制十文者为最。清代机制铜圆的铸造始于1900年(清朝光绪二十六年),止于1911年(宣统三年)。铸造流通时间尽管只有十余年,但其鼎盛时期全国共有十七省二十局开机铸造铜圆。如以细微区别划分,其版式在千种以上。因此当代铜圆收藏爱好者以收集到十大名誉钱币之“大清铜币”为最大乐事。Qing dynasty copper coin format, especially when the system of ten for the most. The casting of copper circles began in 1900 (the 26th year of the reign of emperor guangxu) and ended in 1911 (the third year of the reign of emperor xuantong). Although the casting circulation time is only more than 10 years, but its heyday a total of 17 provinces in the country 20 bureau start casting copper round. If divide by fine distinction, its format is in 1000 above. Therefore, contemporary bronze collection enthusiasts to collect the top ten reputation COINS "qing dynasty copper COINS" for the greatest pleasure.

“ 大清铜币”,背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙。在中国,收藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”背面的龙,能增加一个人的气 运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。所以这枚钱币一直深受收藏家的喜爱 “大清铜币”收藏价格难以估量大清铜币版式繁多,尤以当十者为最。"Qing dynasty copper COINS", the back is a lifelike dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendants of the dragon, in the folklore, "qing dynasty copper COINS" on the back of the dragon, can increase a person's luck, so that the protection of the dragon at that time, to avoid misfortune. So this coin has been favored by collectors "qing dynasty copper COINS" collection price is difficult to estimate the qing dynasty copper coin format is various, especially when ten for the most.

大清铜币户部当十文是古钱币中备受藏家关注的部分,在我国发行流通前后不过半个世纪,它在我国货币的历史长河中,仅是十分短暂的一瞬间,但却见证了中国从封建社会演化为半封建半殖民地社会的历史过程,是中国近代货币史和钱币学的重要组成部分,有着非常高的收藏价值和历史意义。Qing coppers fact when 10 is a part of the ancient COINS collectors watches, outstanding issues in our country before and after half a century, however, it in the long history of China's currency, is only a very brief moment, but witnessed the evolution from the Chinese feudal society for the history process of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, is an important part of Chinese modern history of currency and numismatics, has the very high collection value and historical significance.


  This collection for this new key recommended collection, welcome to the site of Tibetan friends to consult bidding, rare opportunity!


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