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近日 本公司征集精品推荐:大清银币壹圆

发布时间:2020-03-30 12:35来源:
近日 本公司征集精品推荐:大清银币壹圆 【藏品名称】:大清银币 [collection name]: Silver coin 【类别】:钱币 Class: coins 宣统元年(1909年)二月,清政府成立币制调查局,考察征求商民意见

近日 本公司征集精品推荐:大清银币壹圆


[collection name]: Silver coin


Class: coins



In February of the first year of Xuantong (1909), the Qing government established the "currency system investigation bureau" to investigate and solicit the opinions of the merchants and the people, determine the unified currency system methods, and prepare for the formulation of "currency system rules". On April 16, Xuantong's second year, the Qing government issued an upper order, which issued the "twenty four rules" of the Qing Dynasty's currency system, which said: "the Chinese national currency unit, named as" Yuan ", is temporarily based on silver, with one yuan as the main currency, with seven coins and two cents in the Treasury. In addition, there are three kinds of silver coins and nickel coins, with two cents, one cent, five cents and one cent as copper coins Fractional currency. Yuan, Jiao, Fen and Centigrade shall be priced in decimals and shall never be set at will. " At the same time, the proportion of silver and copper in the silver dollar is strictly regulated to ensure the quality of silver dollar. It is forbidden for each province to cast silver dollar freely, and the right to issue currency is returned to the central government. In the second year of Xuantong, according to the rules of currency system, Tianjin minting factory opened a mold to cast "four kinds of silver coins, namely, one yuan, five jiao, two jiao, five Fen and one jiao, were made in Xuantong.



Dragon is a kind of mythical animal with scales and claws, which can make wind and rain. For thousands of years, as a symbol of the Chinese nation, the dragon has been worshipped by hundreds of millions of descendants. It is one of the reasons why collectors like the silver coins of Qing Dynasty to find the trace of dragon on the coins as the symbol of wealth. In the third year of Xuantong, a set of one yuan, five jiao, two jiao and one jiao silver coins were minted in the mint, among which the "one yuan" version has ten versions, including long whisker dragon, short whisker dragon, anti dragon, big tail dragon, signature version and quxulong with little dots. Quxulong is the most widely circulated, and the rest are samples, which are relatively rare and rarely enter the folk.



图文深邃,纹饰精美,图案考究,十分美观。钱币正面珠圈内刻汉字“大清银币”四字,珠圈外上端为满文,下缘为汉字“宣统三年”字样,左右两旁分列长枝菊花纹饰,花开灿烂,十分漂亮。钱币背面中间为汉字“壹圆”二字,下缘是英文币值“ONE DOLLAR”。其设计新颖,制作精良,图案精美细腻,品相俱佳,且版本稀少,极为罕见,十分珍稀,极具收藏价值!蟠龙沿边缘自左向右腾云而起,环绕一周,七根尾须向上,龙头置上,两根长须弯曲下垂,龙珠在“圆”字下方,龙鳞有序,龙纹精细,龙眼凹突,炯炯有神,鼻梁俏上,霸气外漏,十分威武。定睛一看,犹如一幅神龙翱翔天际的油画,十分震撼,让人叫绝。

The pictures and texts are profound, the patterns are exquisite, the patterns are exquisite and very beautiful. The four characters of "Qing Dynasty silver coin" are engraved in the bead circle on the front of the coin. The upper end of the bead circle is Manchu, and the lower edge is the character "three years of Xuantong". There are long chrysanthemum patterns on the left and right sides. The flowers are bright and beautiful. In the middle of the back of the coin is the Chinese character "Yuan", and the lower edge is the English currency value "one dollar". The design is novel, the production is excellent, the design is exquisite and exquisite, the products are all good, and the version is rare. It is very rare, very rare, and has great collection value! The coiled dragon rises from the left to the right along the edge of the cloud, around a circle, seven tail whiskers are upward, the dragon head is on, two long whiskers are bent and sagging, the Dragon beads are under the word "round", the Dragon scales are orderly, the dragon patterns are fine, the dragon eyes are concave, the nose is bright, and the nose is bright Liang Qiao is very powerful. At a glance, it is like a painting of a dragon flying in the sky, which is very shocking and amazing.



The silver coins of the three years of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty are the product of the reform of the currency system in the late Qing Dynasty. They are of various types, novel designs, and well made, and have been treasured by coin lovers. There were different types of silver coins in the three years of Xuantong, among which long, short and big tailed dragons were rare. However, in Wuchang Uprising, only "quxulong" was issued, and most of the rest were sample coins.



The silver coin of the Qing Dynasty has a long beard and a circle. It was coined by Tianjin Mint in 1911. At that time, in order to unify the currency system, the Qing government hired overseas senior technicians to carefully design and manufacture the three-year silver coins of Xuantong, which had six or seven formats, of which changxulong was one. The new coinage just succeeded in trial casting, which coincided with the Wuchang Uprising, so most of the new silver coins were stillborn, leaving only a small number of sample coins. Long whisker dragon is named for its special features of the back dragon head. It belongs to the nature of sample. It is valued for its exquisite design and rare existence.



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