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发布时间:2020-04-11 19:49来源:
御尚文化艺术精品赏析:御世珍藏,尚博古今! 民国三年袁大头 合同号:YSWHZLFW-B7121 规格:重:23.8 g 直径:3.92 cm 袁大头在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流




规格:重:23.8 g 直径:3.92 cm

袁大头在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。袁大头在制造的时候是相当严谨的,不管是重量还是成色都有相当严格的管理,每星期要抽样送到“财务部”化验,中国银行也会随时派员检查,不合格的随时熔毁,绝不迁就,使得每一枚留存下来的“袁大头”都是精品。Yuan daguang is known as the treasure of silver dollar in currency collection circles. It is the most widely circulated and most influential silver dollar among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Yuan tou was very rigorous in manufacturing, with strict management on both weight and color. Samples were sent to the "finance department" for analysis every week. The bank of China would also send personnel to check at any time, and the unqualified ones would be melted down at any time. 此中华民国三年袁大头壹圆,正面中央镌刻袁世凯侧面头像,上方镌刻“中华民国三年”六字,“民”带一点,字体遒劲有力。背面图案是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为“壹圆”字样,纹饰精美,包浆醇厚,存世量非常稀少,颇具收藏价值。This three years of the republic of China yuan head one round, front central engraved yuan shikai profile head, above engraved "three years of the republic of China" six characters, "people" with a bit, strong and powerful font. The pattern on the back is two crossed ears of rice, the center is the word "one circle", the grain decoration is exquisite, the package pulp mellow, the quantity of storage is very rare, quite collection value.



Structure of the gold yuan, dignified neat, elegant unsurpassed, money superb text patterns, clear and deep tuan, such as tall and knife, no yisiyihao thouths, qian zhongshu lines revealed a cadence of resolute strength, full of verve, amazing, precious, casting quantity is not much, so there is extremely rare, has high historical value and academic value.









袁大头 光绪元宝


规格:重:21.9 g 直径:3.82 cm 重:19.2g 直径:3.94cm

袁大头在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。袁大头在制造的时候是相当严谨的,不管是重量还是成色都有相当严格的管理,每星期要抽样送到“财务部”化验,中国银行也会随时派员检查,不合格的随时熔毁,绝不迁就,使得每一枚留存下来的“袁大头”都是精品。Yuan daguang is known as the treasure of silver dollar in currency collection circles. It is the most widely circulated and most influential silver dollar among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Yuan tou was very rigorous in manufacturing, with strict management on both weight and color. Samples were sent to the "finance department" for analysis every week. The bank of China would also send personnel to check at any time, and the unqualified ones would be melted down at any time. 此组中华民国三年袁大头壹圆,正面中央镌刻袁世凯侧面头像,背面图案是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为“壹圆”字样,纹饰精美,包浆醇厚,存世量非常稀少,颇具收藏价值。This three years of the republic of China yuan head one round, front central engraved yuan shikai profile head, above engraved "three years of the republic of China" six characters, "people" with a bit, strong and powerful font. The pattern on the back is two crossed ears of rice, the center is the word "one circle", the grain decoration is exquisite, the package pulp mellow, the quantity of storage is very rare, quite collection value.



Structure of the gold yuan, dignified neat, elegant unsurpassed, money superb text patterns, clear and deep tuan, such as tall and knife, no yisiyihao thouths, qian zhongshu lines revealed a cadence of resolute strength, full of verve, amazing, precious, casting quantity is not much, so there is extremely rare, has high historical value and academic value.

中国最早的机制洋式钱币为光绪年间的“光绪元宝”,俗称“龙洋”,因钱币背面 一般铸有龙纹而得名。珍稀古钱币是货币历史的实物,由于早已不在流通领域,留存下来的亦少之极少,更是历史的见证。

The earliest mechanism of foreign COINS in China is the "guangxu yuan bao" in the years of guangxu emperor, commonly known as "longyang". The rare and precious ancient coin is the real thing of the monetary history, because it is not in circulation field already, the remaining is also very few, it is the witness of the history.



As one of the fine COINS in modern COINS, guangxu yuanbao in hubei province has a unique style and rich cultural connotation. The dragon is the symbol of China and the culture of the Chinese nation. This coin is exquisite in workmanship, perfect in carving, and has a strong sense of sculpture. The mirror is smooth and smooth, and the intersecting lines of the patterns are very clear.



According to the transaction records of the art market in recent years, guangxu yuanbao has a good market potential, and its market price has been rising all the way. In recent years, the transaction price of a single guangxu yuanbao has been rising continuously from hundreds of thousands to millions. Experts predict that the market value of guangxu yuanbao will continue to rise in the next few years, in addition to collectors' pursuit, there are a large number of investors to join the collection of this plate, the appreciation of the currency space will continue to expand.



 made guangxu yuan treasure has very high collection value, and ancient COINS are not renewable, the amount of existence is very rare, now by the major collectors and museums to search, only in the high-end trade can occasionally see its figure, so it is very precious, it is a good collection!


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