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发布时间:2020-06-12 20:23来源:
郭煌壁画邮票五套 Five sets of guohuang mural stamps 邮票是体现国家文化底蕴的最好方式之一,而中国邮票上除了应景类别的内容以外,大多是体现中国文化的内容。敦煌壁画是敦煌艺术的主


Five sets of guohuang mural stamps


Stamps are one of the best ways to reflect the national cultural heritage. In addition to the content of the scene category, most of the Chinese stamps reflect the content of Chinese culture. Dunhuang fresco is the main part of Dunhuang art, which has a huge scale and exquisite technique. Dunhuang frescoes are rich and colorful in content. Like other religious arts, they describe the image of God, the activities of God, the relationship between God and God, and the relationship between God and man to express people's good wishes and pacify people's hearts. Therefore, the style of fresco is different from that of secular painting. However, any art originates from real life and has its own national tradition; therefore, its forms are mostly based on the same artistic language and performance skills and have the same national style.


first group


Scattered in many large and small Grottoes on the Silk Road in Gansu Province, there is a grotto temple, which is located on the rock wall with an average height of 17 meters and a length of 1600 meters at the east foot of Mingsha mountain. It is full of dense grottoes, namely the world-famous Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. From 366 ad to now, after thousands of years, wind and rain vicissitudes, there are still a large number of caves preserved completely, becoming one of the most precious cultural heritage of mankind. This set of stamps was issued by the post and Telecommunications section to make the millennium history of painting come true.


Group 2

邮电部于1988年5月25日发行了志号为T.126的《敦煌壁画(第二组)》特种邮票1套4枚。(4-1)8分 西魏 · 狩猎;(4-2)8分西魏 · 战斗;(4-3)10分 北周 · 农耕;(4-4)90分 北周 · 建塔。

On May 25, 1988, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued a set of 4 special stamps of Dunhuang murals (Group II) with the record number of t.126. (4-1) 8 points Western Wei Dynasty hunting; (4-2) 8 points Western Wei Dynasty fighting; (4-3) 10 points Northern Zhou Dynasty farming; (4-4) 90 points Northern Zhou Dynasty building tower.


Group Three

敦煌(今甘肃省敦煌县西)是古代通往中亚和欧洲的交通要道。莫高窟(千佛洞)保存有4世纪至14世纪遗留的壁画、雕塑等艺术珍品;城南有鸣沙山、月牙泉等名胜;城西北有玉门关;西南有阳关遗址。 敦煌壁画是中国古代文化遗产中的瑰宝,也是表现佛教思想的精品,古代艺术家们以其卓越的才能和丰富的想象力,展现了历代人们的生活场景和美丽的神话传说。在描绘神话故事时,他们将美丽的传说与现实生活熔于一炉,表现了伟大的现实主义创作手法。 4-1为"隋·飞天",是莫高窟第206窟佛龛顶部的壁画。飞天画在佛背光火焰纹上方,在腾腾烈焰上成群地翔舞,色调因用土红色而更显炽烈。 4-2为"隋·供养菩萨"。图中菩萨宝冠剑环敷贴金箔,增带璎珞装饰华贵,设色富丽,描绘精细。因颜料变质,肌肤成了黑色,但仍不失隋代盛期人物画杰作。 4-3为"隋·观音济难"。观音菩萨大慈大悲,救苦救难,深得人心,后发展成久盛不衰的观音信仰。 4-4为"隋·帝释天",名因陀罗,是三十三天的主宰,即佛教的天帝。壁画中帝释天驾四龙车巡天,风驰电掣,华贵显赫的气派如同人间王者出行,但神话的景象远远超过了人间的现实。

Dunhuang (now the west of Dunhuang County, Gansu Province) is an ancient transportation route to Central Asia and Europe. Mogao Grottoes (Thousand Buddha Caves) are preserved with murals, sculptures and other art treasures left over from the 4th century to the 14th century; Mingsha mountain and Yueya spring are in the south of the city; Yumenguan is in the northwest of the city; Yangguan site is in the southwest. Dunhuang frescoes are treasures of ancient Chinese cultural heritage, as well as fine works of Buddhist ideas. With their outstanding talents and rich imagination, ancient artists have shown the life scenes and beautiful myths and legends of people of all ages. In depicting the mythology, they fused the beautiful legend with the real life, and displayed the great realism creation technique. 4-1 is "Sui Feitian", the fresco on the top of the niches of cave 206 in Mogao Grottoes. Flying sky is painted above the flame pattern of Buddha's backlight, flying in groups on the rising flame, and the color is more intense because of the use of earthy red. 4-2 is "Sui Dynasty, providing for Bodhisattva". In the picture, the Bodhisattva's crown sword ring is covered with gold foil, and the ornament is added with wreaths, with rich colors and fine descriptions. Due to the deterioration of the pigment, the skin became black, but it was still a masterpiece of figure painting in the heyday of the Sui Dynasty. 4-3 is "Sui Guanyin's financial difficulties". Guanyin Bodhisattva is merciful, saves the suffering, wins the hearts of the people, and develops into a long-standing Guanyin belief. 4-4 is "Sui Dynasty, Emperor Shitian", named Indra. It is the God of Buddhism, the master of the 13th day. In the mural, Emperor Shitian drives a four Dragon chariot to patrol the sky, which is fast and fast. The magnificent and magnificent style is just like that of the king of the world, but the mythical scene far exceeds the reality of the world.


Group 4


Dunhuang has always been a mysterious place in the eyes of Chinese people. In order to promote Dunhuang culture and spread the charm of Dunhuang murals, the fourth group of special stamp sheetlet of Dunhuang murals is hereby issued. This set of stamps is divided into five pieces, with the patterns of Bodhisattva, Jile, ascending the dragon to the sky, going to the western regions, and Avalokitesvara.


Group 5

《敦煌壁画(第五组)》是原中华人民共和国邮电部为了弘扬中华民族悠久灿烂的古代文化艺术成就,于1994年7月16日发行的,志号为1994-8的特种邮票。四组图片分别是 《唐·飞天》《唐·维摩诘》《唐·张议潮出行图》《唐·魔女》

Dunhuang fresco (Group 5) is a special stamp issued by the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the people's Republic of China on July 16, 1994, with the record number of 1994-8, in order to promote the long and splendid ancient cultural and artistic achievements of the Chinese nation. The four groups of pictures are "Tang Feitian", "Tang Vimalakirti", "Tang Chuang Chao's trip map" and "Tang witch"


This set of stamps has been in the state of appreciation, and the trend is more obvious. The design of stamps is ancient and mysterious, which makes people respect and love them more. It is the best time to start this set of stamps.



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