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发布时间:2020-06-15 20:39来源:


Dragon is an ancient name for jade found in Hongshan and other places. In the 1980s, yuzhulong, as the most representative utensil in Hongshan culture, has brought shock and surprise to archaeology, and also caused reverie and conjecture of many experts and scholars.


Yuzhulong, also known as jade beast Jue, is considered to be the earliest rudiment of dragon. It is a curled jade dragon with fat head and big ears. Its mouth is flush with the front of nose. There are obvious wrinkles on the bridge of nose, especially like pig's head. Its body is curled up without feet like snake's body. It is also called pig and snake. At the same time, the dragon's body is curled up in a "C" shape, strong and powerful, showing the movement of flying clouds and fog, so it combines pig and snake Up, there appeared the image of a pig headed snake body dragon. The special shape of yuzhulong is related to the survival and reproduction of human ancestors. We need to start with pigs.



Generally speaking, the totem of primitive people mostly comes from some kind of animals and plants that exist objectively in nature, while the primitive art is mostly a kind of imitation of natural objects. Because the head of yuzhulong has the characteristics of pig, most people think that the prototype of yuzhulong may be pig. Because its curled body is especially like a bug, some people think that the prototype of yuzhulong comes from the larva grub of the beetle. According to the research, the prototype of yuzhulong in Hongshan culture is probably the early embryo of pig.


This jade pig dragon seal is exquisitely carved. Its bottom diameter is 3.9cm and its height is 2.45cm. The total height is 5.5cm. Hongshan Culture yuzhulong. It is a typical C-shaped dragon with exaggerated head, protruding eyes and mouth, curly body and both body and spirit. It has the obvious characteristics of the Neolithic age and is adorable. It has a high historical, cultural and artistic value and unlimited collection value.



There is a saying in ancient times that "pig is a dragon". So yuzhulong is also a symbol of identity and status in the future. It is also one of the earliest dragon shaped artifacts known at present. The image of yuzhulong, in essence, is not only the enjoyment of visual "beauty", but also the satisfaction of God's protection through the animal worship of half beast and half god to form the communication between human and God.



When religious sacrifice and deity worship have appeared in Hongshan culture, the pig will naturally become the symbol of the original ancestors' spiritual things and power, so the image of the pig will gradually evolve into the image of Jackie Chan. In the shape of yuzhulong, which is a worshiping God, it also leaves the structure of spiritual vow, which makes the artistic shape and pattern, and makes the wearer serve the primitive religion because of wearing the deity, and become a deified person with high power status.



Yuzhulong, as an ancient jade shape, is the product of the sublimation of jade culture and the fruit of dragon totem worship. It is not a pure jade, but a magic magic weapon that condenses the feelings and beliefs, wisdom and ideas of our ancestors. We should appreciate it with a devout eye and taste it with a sincere feeling.





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