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云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司精品推荐 云南省造光绪元宝164

发布时间:2020-07-09 00:10来源:
云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司 云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的


云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的国际文化艺术品交流中心,也是中国国学院大学授权成立的文化艺术品研究所。 公司联合中国国学院大学,开创艺术品+金融投资体系,借力资本市场,整合各界资源,实现资本与艺术品的有效对接,积极推动国内艺术品行业与国际艺术品市场接轨,打造以云南为核心的大型艺术品交易平台。


【名称】 云南省造光绪元宝



【规格】  重:13.1g 直径:3.33cm  厚:0.21cm



光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由湖北两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币之首,是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币,对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义。此光绪元宝三钱六分重:13.1g直径:33.25mm厚:2.09mm,,为传世币,正面珠圈铸有满汉文“光绪元宝”珠圈外环镌刻有‘云南省造’下端“库平三钱六分”钱币背面,珠圈内铸有龙图案,龙鳞细腻,龙纹清晰,活灵活现,栩栩如生,版面设计优雅,铸造工艺精美,边齿字迹清晰, 规整,龙形、字体、图案清晰;整体品相清晰完善,包浆自然纯正。内珠边齿规则整齐背面盘龙龙鳞清晰,背面盘龙龙眼内有两颗清晰的内视龙睛,直指龙珠,含银量高,制作精良,工艺极其精湛,因其现存真品存世量甚少,值得藏家深品。“云南省造光绪元宝”是中国近代机制币中的十大名誉品之一,“云南省造光绪元宝”之所以名气大是由于他的历史性和珍稀性决定的。这玫钱币版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,但是,铸造量不多,所以存世极罕,有极高的历史价值与学术价值。

Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD

Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co. Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core. 


[Name] Yunnan Province makes the Guangxu Yuanbao

[Specification] Weight: 13.1g  Diameter: 3.33cm  Thickness: 0.21cm                                                   

[Category]  Coin


Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currency in circulation during the reign of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in Hubei Province, was the first to introduce British coin making machines to cast silver and copper coins, and then all provinces followed suit. A total of 19 provinces and bureaus cast copper coins, except for the central Hubu and local provinces, inscribed with the names of the provinces on the front. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in circulation in Guangxu year of Qing Dynasty. It is one of the first batch of printing and distributing currency that introduces overseas technology. It also contains certain historical significance for today. The three coins and six fen coins of Guangxu Yuanbao, weighing 13.1g, diameter: 33.25mm, thickness: 2.09mm, are handed down coins. On the front bead ring, there are Manchu and Chinese characters "Guangxu Yuanbao". The outer ring is engraved with "made in Yunnan Province" at the lower end. The back of the coin is engraved with dragon pattern. The dragon scale is delicate, the dragon pattern is clear, vivid and vivid. The layout is elegant, the casting process is exquisite, and the edge is vivid The tooth writing is clear and regular, the dragon shape, font and pattern are clear; the overall appearance is clear and perfect, and the coating is natural and pure. There are two clear inner vision dragon eyes in the back of Panlong longan, which directly points to the dragon ball. It has high silver content, excellent production and extremely exquisite technology. Because of the small number of existing authentic products, it is worthy of collectors' deep appreciation. "Yunnan made Guangxu Yuanbao" is one of the top ten honorary products in modern China's machine-made coins. "Yunnan made Guangxu Yuanbao" is famous because of its historical and rarity. This Mei coin has elegant layout and excellent carving. However, it is rare to survive due to its small amount of casting. It has high historical and academic value.

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