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云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司精品推荐 香格里拉陨石

发布时间:2020-07-09 00:25来源:
云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司 云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的


云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的国际文化艺术品交流中心,也是中国国学院大学授权成立的文化艺术品研究所。 公司联合中国国学院大学,开创艺术品+金融投资体系,借力资本市场,整合各界资源,实现资本与艺术品的有效对接,积极推动国内艺术品行业与国际艺术品市场接轨,打造以云南为核心的大型艺术品交易平台。

【名称】 香格里拉陨石



【规格】  重:1860g(共7颗)



陨石指坠落于地面的陨星残体, 人们认为地球生命的起源与陨石有相当大的关系。在古代,人们往往把陨石当做圣物。比如,古罗马人把陨石当做神的使者,他们在陨石坠落的地方盖起钟楼来供奉。匈牙利人则把陨石抬进教堂,用链子把它锁起来,以防这个"神的礼物"飞回天上。伊斯兰教圣地麦加也有一块陨石,被视为"圣石"。在一些文明古国,还常常用陨石作为皇帝和达官贵人的陪葬。


Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD

Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co., Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core. 


[Name]  Shangri la meteorite

[Specification]  Weight: 1860g (7 pieces in total) 

[Category]  Miscellaneous


Meteorite refers to meteorite debris falling to the ground. It is believed that the origin of life on earth has a great relationship with meteorites. In ancient times, people often regarded meteorites as sacred objects. For example, the ancient Romans used meteorites as messengers of gods. They built bell towers where meteorites fell. Hungarians carried the meteorite into the church and chained it up to prevent the "God's gift" from flying back into the sky. The Islamic holy land Mecca also has a meteorite, which is regarded as a "holy stone". In some ancient civilization countries, meteorites are often used as burial objects for emperors and dignitaries.

The meteorite was discovered after the meteorite rain in Shangri La, Yunnan Province. According to NASA, an asteroid impact occurred on the earth at 20:07:05 Beijing time on October 4, 2017. The impact site was 40 kilometers northwest of Shangri La city in Yunnan Province. The explosion equivalent was equivalent to 540 tons of TNT, which was slightly stronger than the xilingle event (450 tons) in 2014. This meteorite is very helpful to the study of the boundary and formation of the universe. In the process of passing through the atmosphere, the meteorite falls into the earth after high-speed self propagation. It has relatively complete bubbles, bright surface and obvious streamline. It has high collection and research value, and can also be used as a sample for scientific research.

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