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云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司精品推荐 广东省造宣统元宝

发布时间:2020-07-09 00:38来源:
云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司 云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的


云南盛世九州艺术品有限责任公司--保利云南唯一指定征集推荐合作单位,是一家以艺术品展览、展销、鉴定、评估、拍卖、国内贸易等业务为推广的国际文化艺术品交流中心,也是中国国学院大学授权成立的文化艺术品研究所。 公司联合中国国学院大学,开创艺术品+金融投资体系,借力资本市场,整合各界资源,实现资本与艺术品的有效对接,积极推动国内艺术品行业与国际艺术品市场接轨,打造以云南为核心的大型艺术品交易平台。


【名称】 广东省造宣统元宝



【规格】  重:26.7g  直径:3.94cm  厚:0.25cm



宣统元宝是清朝时期的主要流通货币,当时是由两广总督首次引进外国的铸币机器,开始铸造银元和铜元,然后被各个省开始效仿,当时除了户部造币厂之外,其它还有19个省铸造局,为了区分地区,地方省局在铸造铜元时,都雕刻上了自己省份的名字。所以市面上的宣统元宝版式多样化,地区不同,大小重量也就各不相同。宣统元宝广东省造七钱二分含银量足,工艺完美,是机铸币压制铸成的。钱币的正面分为内圈和外圈两部分,内圈精刻有“宣统元宝”四字,外圈则顶部环绕着“广东省造”四个小字,底部铸“库平七钱二分”, 顶部与底部之间,还印有两枚小花用于过渡。钱币的背面,则是将蟠龙图和英文环绕在一起,呈现出独特而又和谐的币面风格。整币色泽流光溢彩,不仅在币面的设计上给人带来前所未有的和谐美感,而且与其他国家相比,更具有考古价值和收藏性。在世界上诸多国家中,中国是最后一个结束银本位币制度的国家,当世界上其他国家早已将自己国家生产的货币退出流通领域的机制银币时,旧中国的国际贸易却进行了规模的开展,使得大量的银元铜币聚合到晚清和民国年间,给后人留下了许多可考据的实物宝贝。相信随着时间的推移,这些银元必将成为稀有的文物收藏品,在未来的古玩市场中发挥黑马级别的升值潜力!但是也正是因为它这样的高价值,才更能够说明我们对本民族文化的重视。这个元宝代表了那个时候我们的经济文化的发展水平,不论是从制造工艺方面来看还是从花纹色泽方面来看,都是对民族文化的一种了解。宣统元宝拍卖实则是对它所承载的文化与精神的一种继承和发展。因为其价值高,所以它是不会失传的,必将代代相传。

Yunnan Shengshi Kyushu Art Co. LTD

Yunnan Shengshi Jiuzhou artworks Co., Ltd. - poly Yunnan is the only one designated to solicit and recommend cooperation unit. It is an international cultural art exchange center promoting art exhibition, exhibition, appraisal, evaluation, auction, domestic trade and other businesses. It is also a cultural art research institute authorized by the University of China National University. The company, together with the University of the United Nations College of China, has created an art + financial investment system, utilized the capital market, integrated resources from all walks of life, realized the effective connection between capital and artworks, actively promoted the integration of domestic art industry and international art market, and built a large-scale art trading platform with Yunnan as the core. 


[Name] Xuantong Yuanbao made in Guangdong Province

[Specification] Weight: 26.7g Diameter: 3.94cm Thickness: 0.25cm

[Category]  Coin


Xuantong Yuanbao was the main currency in circulation during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi first introduced foreign coin making machines to cast silver and copper coins, and then all provinces began to follow suit. At that time, in addition to the Hubu mint, there were 19 other provincial foundry bureaus. In order to distinguish regions, local provincial bureaus carved the names of their own provinces when casting copper coins. Therefore, the layout of Xuantong Yuanbao on the market is diversified, and the size and weight are different in different regions. Xuantong Yuanbao, made in Guangdong Province, contains enough silver and is made by machine. The obverse side of the coin is divided into inner ring and outer ring. The inner ring is precisely engraved with "Xuantong Yuanbao". The top of the outer ring is surrounded by four small characters "made in Guangdong Province". At the bottom, there are two small flowers printed between the top and the bottom for transition. On the back of the coin, the picture of the dragon is surrounded by English, showing a unique and harmonious style. The color of the whole coin is brilliant, which not only brings unprecedented harmonious aesthetic feeling to the coin surface design, but also has archaeological value and collection value compared with other countries. In many countries in the world, China is the last country to end the silver standard currency system. When other countries in the world had already withdrawn their own national currency from the mechanism silver currency in circulation field, the international trade in old China was carried out on a large scale, which made a large number of silver and copper coins aggregated into the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, leaving many physical treasures to be verified by later generations I believe that with the passage of time, these silver coins will become rare cultural relics collection, and play the appreciation potential of black horse level in the future antique market! But it is precisely because of its high value that we attach great importance to our national culture. This Yuanbao represents the development level of our economy and culture at that time. It is a kind of understanding of national culture, whether from the aspect of manufacturing technology or from the aspect of pattern color. Xuantong Yuanbao auction is actually an inheritance and development of its culture and spirit. Because of its high value, it will not be lost and will be handed down from generation to generation.

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