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发布时间:2020-07-15 17:57来源:








Due to the huge economic value of the meteorite itself, in the past ten years, with the increasing popularity of meteorite knowledge and the increasing collection of meteorites, the odd goods are available, and the domestic bid price is sometimes even higher than the international price. Many museums and research institutions in the world are also full of great interest in meteorites, and have been devoted to the study of the stars and times they are in, which has further promoted the economic value of meteorites.

The iron-nickel metal content in stone meteorite is less than or equal to 30%; the iron-nickel metal content in stone iron meteorite is between 30% and 65%; the iron-nickel metal content in iron meteorite is greater than or equal to 95%. Since most meteorites fall in inaccessible areas such as oceans, wild grasses, forests, and mountains, only a few dozen meteorites are discovered and collected each year. Most of them fall from the sky and have different shapes.

The silicate minerals on stone meteorite, such as olivine, pyroxene and a small amount of plagioclase, also contain a small amount of metallic iron particles, sometimes up to more than 20. Density 3 to 3.5. Stone meteorite accounts for 95% of the total meteorite.


At present, the number of authentic meteorites on the market is not many. Very rare leads to rising value. Because the meteorites have a dual role and can be used for scientific research and ornamental value, the value of meteorites will only increase and will not decline.

Meteorites are non-renewable resources and have the characteristics of non-reproducibility. They are mysterious, beautiful, and scarce, and their prices are far higher than diamonds and gold. Among the three types of meteorites, stone meteorites are highly sought after by new collectors because of their unique historical value and scientific research value. The market price has skyrocketed and the prospect is extremely bright!


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