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发布时间:2020-08-05 00:27来源:
为了镇灾防灾、祈求吉祥、永镇财富,秦汉时期所铸的半两镇库大钱,开创了铸造镇库大钱的先河。历朝历代纷纷仿效, 且时有所创新。直至清代,镇库大钱的铸造更是五花八门,异彩

为了镇灾防灾、祈求吉祥、永镇财富,秦汉时期所铸的半两镇库大钱,开创了铸造镇库大钱的先河。历朝历代纷纷仿效, 且时有所创新。直至清代,镇库大钱的铸造更是五花八门,异彩纷呈。待到清末,制机币的出现,并逐渐取代了方孔圆钱,延续了2000多年的镇库大钱才嘎然而止,退出了历史舞台,结束了它的历史使命。满清自1644年入主中原,到1911年宣统退位,共267年, 计十个年号,如果算上仅存续了69天的“祺祥”,为十一个年号。和历代帝王一样,攺元必铸钱。清代每一个年号都铸有钱,镇库大钱也绝不例外。考察清代镇库大钱,从钱背面的钱文来看,基本上可分为两大类:一类是背面钱文为“大清镇库”字样;另一类是背面钱文为“镇库”二字。历代镇库钱,材质以铜居多,且是精铜,也有贵金属铸制。铁质易氧化,保存极不易,大多不用。清代咸丰年间竟然用低廉的铁质来铸造镇库钱,显见当时社会经济已经到了崩溃的边缘。

In order to prevent disasters, pray for good luck, and keep the wealth of the town forever, banliang zhenku coin, which was cast in the Qin and Han Dynasties, was the first to cast zhenku big money. Successive dynasties have followed suit, and sometimes some innovation. Until the Qing Dynasty, the casting of zhenku large coins was more diverse and colorful. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the emergence of machine currency gradually replaced the square hole round coin, which lasted for more than 2000 years, stopped abruptly, withdrew from the historical stage and ended its historical mission. From 1644 to 1911, the Manchu Dynasty occupied the Central Plains, and in 1911 Xuantong abdicated. It was 267 years, including ten years. If we counted the "Qixiang" which lasted only 69 days, it was 11 years. Like the emperors of all ages, yuan must be made into coins. In the Qing Dynasty, every year of the Qing Dynasty made money, and the town Treasury was no exception. From the perspective of the inscriptions on the back of the coins, we can basically divide them into two categories: one is "Daqing zhenku" on the back; the other is "zhenku" on the back. In the past dynasties, most of the coins were made of copper, refined copper and precious metal. Iron is easy to oxidize, so it is very difficult to preserve it. In the Xianfeng Period of Qing Dynasty, the low-cost iron was used to cast the town Treasury money, which showed that the social economy was on the verge of collapse at that time.


This Qing Dynasty Guangxu Tongbao Daqing Zhen Ku also has a number of wheel lines on the side and a small cutting angle on the side, forming an indistinct angle circle. It is a large coin with excellent copper quality, clear and beautiful characters and patterns. It is very rare and can't be cast by non official officials. It has high collection value. On the obverse side of the coin is the year number, and on the back is the Qing zhenku. There are four ancient animal patterns on the front. It is not in circulation, and its collection value and appreciation value are very high. We hope that the majority of coin collectors and investors can start as soon as possible.


There is a long history of casting zhenku coins in China. Zhenku money is one of the treasures of ancient Chinese coin culture, which means auspicious wealth, prosperity and wealth. She witnessed the long history of Chinese coins, bearing the ancient oriental civilization and containing profound cultural heritage. As a kind of mascot, she was deeply loved by ancient coin collectors.



Gold in troubled times is collected in prosperous times. With the prosperity of domestic economy and the continuous development of antique market, more and more high price ancient coins appear in people's sight. In spite of the ups and downs of the art collection market, the ancient coin market is still standing still. With the development trend, the number of coin lovers is also expanding rapidly, and the collection competition is obviously increasing. However, the number of coins found in zhenku is small, and the value is very high, which often becomes the treasure of ancient coins.



此件藏品现在展卖于古玩行商城平台中,据持宝人介绍说,这件古钱币是祖上传下来的。曾让专家老师鉴定过,绝世精品。在本公司得知其有这件罕见珍品,特邀其持这件古钱币参加,现持宝人因资金周转困难原因。忍痛割爱愿将此件古钱币委托本公司代其通过网络媒体进行寻找买家。如对此藏品有兴趣收藏者,可拨打企业联系电话:400 686 3616进行洽谈。

The collection is now on display on the platform of the antique shop. According to the treasure holder, the ancient coin was handed down from the ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers and is a peerless masterpiece. After learning that it has this rare treasure, our company specially invited it to take part in this ancient coin. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in cash flow. I am willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to search for a buyer through internet media. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the business contact number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.

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