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发布时间:2020-10-01 00:04来源:


Fossils, remains, relics or remains of ancient creatures buried underground, become something like Stone. Studying fossils can understand the evolution of organisms and help determine the age of strata. The remains of ancient animals or plants preserved in the rocks of the earth's crust or the evidence showing the existence of remains are called fossils. Simply put, fossils are Stone made from the remains or remains of creatures living in the distant past.



In the long geological time, countless creatures lived on the earth, and many of their dead bodies or traces left over from their lives were buried by the sediment at that time. In the following years, the organic matter in the remains of these creatures was decomposed completely, and the hard parts such as shells, bones, branches and leaves and so on were fossilized into Stone together with the surrounding sediments, but their original shape and structure (even some subtle internal structures) remained; Similarly, the traces left by living creatures can be preserved in this way, which is of great research value.


The turtle fossil is an adult remains fossil, which is well preserved, and there is no missing in the turtle's head, body, claws and tail. It is extremely rare to feel the natural form of the turtle when it is put into Buddha at first sight.



Paleontological fossils reflect the detailed characteristics and living habits of paleontology in a period. From the perspective of biological evolution, they have irreplaceable scientific research value. Turtle fossils that can be excavated and presented to Tibetan friends are extremely rare. In addition, turtles have a beautiful meaning of auspiciousness and longevity, and turtle fossils have always been sought after and loved by senior collectors. This turtle fossil is full, well preserved, without any defects. It is rare in many paleontological fossils, which can be met but not sought, and has great collection and investment value!



After hundreds of millions of years of wind and rain baptism, this collection was unexpectedly displayed in front of the world, giving people the opportunity to recall the breath of life hundreds of millions of years ago. Although this fossil has lost its fresh life, it still contains the secret of the origin and evolution of life, which provides precious material data for studying paleontology and its living conditions and living environment, and inferring the formation age of the strata in which fossils are buried, and has great collection value.


此件藏品现在展卖于艺品在线商城平台中,据持宝人介绍说,这件乌龟化石是祖上传下来的。曾让专家老师鉴定过,绝世精品。在本公司得知其有这件罕见珍品,特邀其持这件乌龟化石参加,现持宝人因资金周转困难原因。忍痛割爱愿将此件乌龟化石委托本公司代其通过网络媒体进行寻找买家。如对此藏品有兴趣收藏者,可拨打企业联系电话:400 686 3616进行洽谈。

This collection is now displayed and sold on the platform of art online mall. According to the treasure holder, this turtle fossil was handed down from ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a peerless boutique. When our company learned that it has this rare treasure, we invited it to take this turtle fossil to participate. The current treasure holder has difficulty in capital turnover. I am willing to entrust this turtle fossil to our company to find buyers through online media. If you are interested in collecting this collection, you can call the company's telephone number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.


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