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发布时间:2020-10-08 00:04来源:


The coins of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Great Qing Dynasty are famous for a large number of folk imitations. They are cherished by people because of their rare existence in the coin collection field. Moreover, they are favored by people because of their exquisite production. Among the modern silver coins in China, it has a long-standing reputation, and has also been listed as one of the top ten treasures of modern Chinese mechanism coins.

此钱币为大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币, 它的正面图案是慈禧半身像,上环“大清国慈禧皇太后”字样,下环“1861~1908”,背面图案是一条蟠龙。因为清朝末期在经济和政治上都不再符合封建社会的定义,慈禧太后已经为中国从封建社会走向资本主义社会、从古代走向现代,在经济和政治上都做出了伟大的贡献。废除科举而兴办学堂,派人出国留学,兴办洋务,开创了改革开放的新局面,奠定了中国现代化的基础。此钱币主要是为证明慈禧太后的为政举措所铸造,铸造工艺,包浆光滑,锈色自然,边齿开门、龙脊图案、文字神韵,工艺精细,乃为古币中的精品。此大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币品相完好,是为数不多存世量钱币之一,实属难得,具有极高的投资收藏空间和较高的艺术价值,值得收藏和投资。

This coin is the commemorative coin of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Great Qing Dynasty. Its front pattern is a bust of Empress Dowager Cixi with the words "Empress Dowager Cixi of the Great Qing Dynasty" on the upper ring, "1861 ~ 1908" on the lower ring and a panlong on the back. Because the late Qing Dynasty no longer meets the definition of feudal society economically and politically, Empress Dowager Cixi has made great economic and political contributions to China's transition from feudal society to capitalist society and from ancient times to modern times. Abolishing imperial examinations and setting up schools, sending people to study abroad and setting up westernization have created a new situation of reform and opening up and laid the foundation for China's modernization. This coin is mainly minted to prove the Empress Dowager Cixi's political measures. The casting process is smooth in patina, natural in rust color, open with teeth, dragon ridge pattern, charm in writing and fine in craftsmanship, and it is a fine product among ancient coins. This commemorative coin of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Great Qing Dynasty is in good condition, and it is one of the few coins in existence in the world. It is really rare, with extremely high investment and collection space and high artistic value, and is worth collecting and investing.


Ancient coins represent modern Chinese monetary culture, reflect the rise and fall of modern Chinese history, economy and finance, and have high artistic ornamental value and cultural relic value, as well as certain value preservation and appreciation functions. In recent years, rare and old silver coins have continued to sell well outside auction houses, and the transaction performance of rare silver coins is remarkable.


此件藏品现在展卖于艺品在线商城平台中,据持宝人介绍说,这件古钱币是祖上传下来的。曾让专家老师鉴定过,绝世精品。在本公司得知其有这件罕见珍品,特邀其持这件古钱币参加,现持宝人因资金周转困难原因。忍痛割爱愿将此件古钱币委托本公司代其通过网络媒体进行寻找买家。如对此藏品有兴趣收藏者,可拨打企业联系电话:400 686 3616进行洽谈。

The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.

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