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发布时间:2020-10-22 13:39来源:
2020年10月份第3周的世界文化艺术家排行榜已经正式公布,通过榜单我们可以看出10月份第3周艺术家的艺术造诣、发展潜力、市场认可度、社会关注度等方面的状况! The list of world cult




The list of world cultural artists in the third week of October 2020 has been officially announced. Through the list, we can see the artistic attainments, development potential, market recognition and social attention of artists in the third week of October!


世界艺术家排行榜【每日一星】评选公告  (点击查看详情)

World artist list [one star of the day] selection announcement (click to see details)


       在世界文联精英网网  sslg33.com  主办的世界艺术家排行榜  这一周的排行榜中,迪丽热巴(Dilraba)获得了第1名,贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)获得了第2名,第3名是爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande),和以上三位德艺双馨的优秀艺术家一样,还有来自不同文化艺术领域的9位成员也上了榜!

In this week's list, dilraba came in first, Justin Timberlake came in second, Ariana Grande came in third, along with the above three outstanding artists of German and artistic excellence, and nine members from different cultural and artistic fields were also on the list!





The ranking will be decided by the Standing Committee of the World Federation of literary and art circles at a meeting based on the artists' artistic achievements and the number of netizens voting on its official website. The Secretariat will, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the "daily one star selection announcement of the World Federation of literary and art circles", award the honorary director title (world class) to the 1st to 12th artists in the weekly ranking list, and issue honorary certificates. Next, let's take a look at the 12 artists on the list.




1.迪丽热巴  周冠军

1. Dilraba weekly champion




2. Justin Timberlake



3.爱莉安娜·格兰德(Ariana Grande)

3. Ariana Grande




4. Yanni




5. Song Huiqiao (unit price)



6.理查德·克莱德曼(Richard Clayderman)

6. Richard Clayderman


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7.赵柯(Karina Zhao)

7. Karina Zhao



8.王李丹妮Daniella Wang

8. Daniella Wang


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9.蕾妮·奥斯泰德(Renee Olstead )

9. Renee olstead




10. Tan banglan



11.陈欣予 Maggie

11. Chen Xinyu Maggie




12. Feng Yuan


9月份世界艺术家排行榜前12名  (点击查看)

Top 12 artists in the world in September (click to view)



There is only one earth for mankind, and all countries share one world. Global village is imperative. The biggest problem of global village is the conflict of culture. Common development is an important basis for sustainable development and conforms to the long-term and fundamental interests of the people of all countries. We should firmly establish a sense of community of common destiny, conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, stick to the principle of helping each other in the same boat, and constantly push the development of Asia and the world to a new level.





The realization of the Chinese dream is the result of the balanced development and mutual promotion of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Without the inheritance and development of civilization, without the promotion and prosperity of culture, there will be no realization of the Chinese dream. The forefathers of the Chinese nation long ago yearned for a world of great harmony in which people's material life was enriched and their moral realm was fully sublimated.





In order to objectively evaluate the market value of the first-class artists, vigorously promote the excellent culture of all ethnic groups in the world, and promote the outstanding contemporary art works to the society, a market value evaluation model is established based on big data, and the popularity list of contemporary world artists is released weekly.




为了更好地弘扬民族文化,促进世界各民族文化大融合,世界文联通过扎实开展“每日一星”评选活动,引导激励全球文化艺术工作者立足本职岗位,带头坚定文化自信、坚持以世界各族人民为中心的创作导向 、推动人类文化事业全面繁荣和世界文化产业快速发展。

In order to better promote the national culture and promote the cultural integration of all ethnic groups in the world, the World Federation of literary and cultural circles has carried out a solid "one star a day" selection activity to guide and motivate the global cultural and artistic workers to take the lead in strengthening cultural confidence and adhering to the creative orientation centered on the people of all ethnic groups in the world To promote the overall prosperity of human cultural undertakings and the rapid development of world cultural industry. 


促进世界文化艺术事业发展,任重而道远,诚挚感谢每一位为艺术事业孜孜不倦的艺术家们!                                                                        世界文联精英网   sslg33.com   世界艺术家排行榜编委会   电话  15910755265

There is a long way to go to promote the development of the world's cultural and artistic undertakings. I sincerely thank every artist who has devoted himself to the cause of art!



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