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发布时间:2021-01-22 19:10来源:


The earliest copper coin in China (mechanism copper coin) was created by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxu in the thirteenth year of Guangxu (1887). In the fifteenth year of Guangxu (1889), the production of mechanism copper coins began, which was the beginning of the title of "mechanism coin" in the history of Chinese coins.After the Sino-Japanese War of 1891-1895, the imperialist powers set off a frenzied wave of carve-up in China by dividing up "spheres of influence" and seizing "leased land".With the deepening of imperialist economic aggression, China's foreign trade exceeded again and again, a large amount of silver outflow and heavy war reparations, the financial panic of the Qing government became more and more serious.At the same time, the imperialist investment in China for the purpose of plunder objectively promoted the development of China's capitalist industry and commerce.Therefore, the demand for money is increasing day by day.Copper, in this particular historical conditions came into being.

光绪二十三年(1897 年),江西道监察御史陈其璋奏请"仿造大小铜元,以补制钱之不足"。光绪二十六年(1900 年),铜元首次在广东试铸成功。铜元每枚重2钱,含铜95%、白铅4%、锡1%。正面铸"光绪元宝"四汉字和"宝广"二满字,周围有"每百枚换一圆"的字样。背面中央刻有一蟠龙纹饰,周围有英文"广东一仙"等字样。这是最初的铜元。1904 年,铜元的外观稍有变化:原来的"每百枚换一圆"的字样改为"每枚当制钱十文";背面的英文字"一仙"也改为"十文"。新铜元精秀、华美。于是,各省纷纷仿效。但各省所铸的光绪元宝铜币,其画面上均置省名,字样和花纹也有所变化。这时,"铜元开铸已有十省,设局多至二十处"。

In the 23rd year of Guangxu Emperor (1897), Chen Qizhuang, the imperial supervisor of Jiangxi Province, requested "counterfeiting copper coins of different sizes to make up for the shortage of money".Guangxu twenty-sixth year (1900), copper yuan in Guangdong for the first time successfully cast.Copper yuan each weighs 2 coins, containing 95 percent copper, 4 percent white lead, 1 percent tin.On the front, the four Chinese characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" and "Bao Guang" were cast, surrounded by the words "one circle for every hundred pieces".On the back of the central engraved with a dragon decoration, surrounded by English "Guangdong a fairy" and other words.This is the original coppers.In 1904, the appearance of copper coins changed slightly: the original "one round for every hundred" was changed to "ten coins for each coin ";The English character "one xian" on the back was also changed to "ten articles".The new copper dollar is fine and beautiful.Provinces followed suit.However, the Guangxu Yuanbao copper coins cast by each province all have the name of the province on the picture, and the inscription and pattern also have some changes.At this time, "copper yuan has been cast in ten provinces, up to 20 bureaus".

1905 年,清政府为整齐划一铜元,解决流弊,着手铸造"大清铜币"。分四种:当二十重四钱,当十重二钱,当五重一钱,当二重四分,成色定为紫铜九五,配白铅五。因为滥铸之风一发而不可收,铜元日趋贬值。1910年(宣统2年)4月16日,清政府决心从根本上解决铜元中的问题,颁布了币制则例,在确定银本位的同时,规定铜辅币为分币,有二分一分五厘一厘四种,这次计划尚未实施,就与清王朝一同寿终正寝了。民国时期,各地军阀割据势力相互混战,继而又纷纷设厂制造铜元,用以筹措军费,竞相滥造,营私分肥,毫无章法,遂使铜元质地恶劣,价格暴跌。北洋政府时期的钱法更坏,各省不仅没有停造,反而纷纷增设新厂,所造铜元铜质低劣,面值增大,以牟取暴利。北伐以后,铜元逐渐被镍币所取代,逐步退出流通。

In 1905, the Qing government began to mint "big Qing copper coins" in order to unify the copper yuan and solve the current problems.Divide into four kinds: when twenty heavy four money, when ten heavy two money, when five heavy one money, when two times four points, as copper 95, with white lead five.The copper dollar depreciated day by day because of the trend of indiscriminate casting.On April 16, 1910 (two years of Xuantong), the Qing government was determined to fundamentally solve the problem of copper yuan and promulgated the rules of currency system. While determining the silver standard, it stipulated that copper auxiliary coins were cents, which had four kinds of two cents, five cents and one cent. This plan had not yet been implemented, and the Qing Dynasty died together.During the period of the Republic of China, the warlords of different regions fought with each other, and then they set up factories to manufacture copper dollars to raise money for military spending. They made copper dollars in a competitive and indiscriminate way, and the price of copper dollars plummeted.During the period of the Beiyang government, the money law was even worse. Instead of stopping production, provinces set up new factories one after another. The copper dollars produced were of poor quality and their face value increased in order to seek huge profits.After the Northern Expedition, copper coins were gradually replaced by nickel coins and gradually withdrew from circulation.


The Soviet base areas opened up by the leadership of the Communist Party of China had successively produced and issued a variety of copper coins, which have become rare revolutionary cultural relics.The birth of copper dollar marks that the metal coin casting technology in China has entered a new stage of advanced machine production from the traditional manual foundry casting.Copper dollar in China before and after the issue of circulation only half a century of time.It is only a very short moment in the long history of China's currency, but the Chinese copper dollar has witnessed the historical process of China's evolution from feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, and is an important part of China's modern monetary history and numismology, with an indelible influence.

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