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发布时间:2021-01-22 21:57来源:


Meteorite, also known as "the comet", is an unburned stone, iron or stone-iron mixture that is scattered from the surface of the Earth's orbiting or other debris on the surface of the earth or other planets. For a long time, the meteorite known as "the extraterrestrial stone" has been popular among many astronomers and geologists for its high scientific research value. Nowadays, the collection of meteorites has swept the world, and the collection of meteorites has become a symbol of the status of collectors. The meteorite transaction brings a strong heat flow to the collectors. The high market value of the meteorite is unimaginable. This is due to the particularity and scarcity of the meteorite source. The meteorite has gradually become an international collector and investor. The potential shares of value preservation and value-added are ranked in the world's treasures and important places in international collections. Since most meteorites fall into the sea, the grass, the forests and the mountains, and so on, the meteorites that are discovered and succeeded are only a few dozen a year. Incomplete statistics, the number of meteorites that have been discovered and collected in the world is about 12,000. Among them, the largest number of meteorites, followed by iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites, so iron meteorites can be said to be rare items in rare products.


In this piece of iron meteorite weight: 626.33 g, the outline is clear, aspect has characteristics of iron meteorite platform's structure, surface melting and form a thin layer of fusion crust, the surface is not smooth, there are different sizes, and distribution of pores, be full of holes and scars, melting fluxion, melt flow and so on, the corrosion pit, the obvious characteristics of every piece of meteorites from outer space billions of years ago, to witness the rich solar system formation evolution history, every piece of meteorite is a gift from the universe, is familiar with the stars in the solar system directly precious several physical specimen, extremely has the collection value.


In the past ten years, with the increasing popularity of meteorite knowledge and the increasing number of collections, many museums and research institutions around the world are also very interested in meteorites, and have been working on the research of their stars and times. Rare and the unique scientific value of the stone itself has further promoted the economic value of the meteorite. The collection of meteorites can be described as a strange commodity.


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