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发布时间:2021-01-22 23:41来源:
国际新闻媒体精品推荐场为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,得以高价成交。 【名称】:暗





【名称】:暗香浮动 /[Name]: Dark fragrance floating

【规格】:高97cm/宽34cm/Specifications": height 97cm/ width 34cm

【数量】:1 幅/[Quantity]: 1 piece


Collection display


Zheng Banqiao (1693-1765) was an official, painter and writer in Qing Dynasty. Xie, Han nationality, was born in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province. He mainly lived in Yangzhou and made a living selling paintings. One of the eight monsters in Yangzhou. His poetry, calligraphy and painting are all independent, known as "three unique", good at painting orchid, bamboo, stone, pine, chrysanthemum and other plants, of which painting bamboo has been more than 50 years, the most outstanding achievement.


郑板桥一生喜画兰、竹、石,他认为:兰四时不谢,竹百节长青,石万古不败。它们代表着顽强不屈、坚韧不拔、正直无私、光明磊落等特性。尤其是竹子,除了坚强正直、生命力强,还寄寓了苍劲豪迈、虚心向上等精神品质,这正好与他倔强不驯的性格相合。Zheng Banqiao likes painting orchids, bamboos and stones all his life. He thinks that orchids never fade, bamboos never fade, and stones never fail. They represent the characteristics of indomitable, indomitable, selfless and aboveboard. Bamboo, in particular, not only has strong integrity and strong vitality, but also embodies the spiritual qualities of vigor, boldness and modesty, which coincides with his stubborn and unruly character.


Collection display


People all know that Zheng Banqiao's bamboo and orchid paintings are good, but they don't know that his plum blossom paintings are also unique. Why Zheng Banqiao's plum blossom paintings are rare? Here's a story about his noble paintings.


When Zheng Banqiao was still in Suzhou, he often painted bamboo and orchids. Sometimes he painted some flower feathers, scales and landscapes, but he didn't paint plum blossoms. Because there is a studio at the west end of Taohua lane where he lives. The owner is Lu Zijing, who is good at painting plum blossoms and claims to be painting plum blossoms.


Collection display


Lu Zijing is a scholar who has fallen behind. He has a sick body, parents on top, wife and children on the bottom. His life is quite difficult. He lives by selling paintings to support his family. He followed the realistic method of painting plum, which was lifelike, and each petal was vivid.


When someone asked Zheng Banqiao to paint a plum blossom, he always said with a modest smile: "my plum blossom is far worse than Mr. Lu. Let's go, I'll show you to Mr. Lu for painting! "He often spoke highly of LV Zijing's painting in front of the public, praising:" Mr. Lu's plum blossom painting, I'll study it for another ten or eight years, and I may not be able to draw to this level. "

A minister of the Ministry of official who came back from the capital to provide for the aged was proficient in calligraphy and loved painting and calligraphy. He was very happy to see Zheng Banqiao's words and paintings, so he came up with a painting title of "plum blossom Valley fragrance alone" and asked Zheng Banqiao to paint, and he was willing to pay 50 Liang silver. Unexpectedly, Zheng Banqiao said that painting plum blossoms belongs to Mr. Lu Zijing, who is good at it. The plum blossoms he painted are worth a hundred taels of silver, while those I painted are only ten taels. The old minister took the silver and went to LV Zijing to draw plum.


Collection display


Since the old Shangshu asked LV Zijing to paint plum blossoms, LV Zijing felt that his paintings were much better than Zheng Banqiao's. from time to time, he boasted that he was the second in Suzhou City, but no one dared to be the first. Some friends brought Lu Zijing's words to Zheng Banqiao, but Zheng Banqiao laughed them off.


Collection display



After living in Suzhou for three years, Zheng Banqiao decided to move to Yangzhou.


Before leaving, Lu Zijing came to see him off. If a painting friend leaves, of course, he has to send Danqing. This time Zheng Banqiao gave Lu Zijing a plum blossom painting. I saw him show the paper and brush, the pen goes to the side front, from deep to shallow, draw the dark spots with white plum trunk. When painting flowers, the ink should be thick and light, light and heavy. Petals should be directly pointed out with light ink. When the water is not dry, it should be infiltrated with burnt ink at the lower end of petals. The structure of the whole picture, only three or four plum blossom painting clear, the rest are painted, really "eye horizontal inclined thousands of trees, only three or five" artistic conception.


What a beautiful plum blossom, with flowing strokes and high spirits, Lu Zijing was stunned for a long time and then muttered: "brother Zheng has such a plum painting skill, why don't you teach me early?" Zheng Banqiao said calmly: "brother Lu is over praised. You and I have two styles of painting. If I am like plum painting, someone will like it. At that time, brother Lu will receive less money for painting." Lu Zijing said gratefully, "the reason why brother Zheng doesn't draw plum blossoms is to leave a meal for my younger brother."


There is a saying in the world that "scholars despise each other" and "walking with each other is like an enemy country". When you look at the story of Zheng Banqiao's painting of plum blossoms, you will feel that things are not entirely reasonable, and you will naturally feel some emotion. Zheng Banqiao is proficient in painting and calligraphy. He refuses to do business. He does not paint plum blossom because it is not well painted, but because he wants to be friendly with his neighbors. In the modern fierce social competition, not being in the limelight everywhere, thinking for others is a kind of magnanimous and self-cultivation performance, which reflects Zheng Banqiao's noble literary style and makes his works have a high market value.


Zheng Banqiao's painting art in the early Qing Dynasty in China's calligraphy and painting art, a cluster of shining art stars, this is the famous "Yangzhou Eight strange". On the basis of inheriting the excellent tradition of ancient Chinese painting and calligraphy, they creatively developed Chinese literati painting and actively advocated the comprehensive art of poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, thus creating a new painting style of Chinese painting and making new contributions to the development of Chinese painting history. Among these famous stars, Zheng Banqiao is the most prominent.


Collection display


Zheng Banqiao's paintings and calligraphy are of great value, among which the plum blossom of Zheng Banqiao's paintings is even rarer, and individual authentic works can reach millions or even tens of millions at the auction. In recent years, some of the better imitations have been sold for hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan. This painting of Zheng Banqiao's hidden fragrance floating plum blossom is an authentic one, which has high collection value and ornamental value. All collectors are welcome to consult and bid.


Special tips: the above collections are sold in good faith. Collectors from all walks of life are welcome to consult and bid.

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