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发布时间:2020-04-29 21:18来源:


Significance (collection value) of the coin stamp album of hundred gold collection: coins and stamps are called "national business cards". Money is the most faithful carrier of history. Social development, rise and fall, Dynasty replacement, foreign invasion, major historical events and so on will be recorded in a small space. Behind the characters and patterns of coins are various kinds of information, such as history, geography, politics, economy, art, customs, beliefs, local customs, cultural background, historical evolution, etc. there are thousands of endless stories. Stamp is a small square, but what it shows is a country's history, culture and folk custom. It is all inclusive and colorful. Countries all over the world take the most proud content of their own country as a window for foreign publicity by reflecting it on Stamps through "exquisite pictures" and "artistic language".

打开这套珍藏册,您将欣赏到形状图案各异的多种金属制造的各种硬币,色彩图案纷呈的不同国家发行的纸币,每一种货币,都蕴藏着历史、地理、政治、经济、艺术、风俗、信仰、风土人情、文化背景、历史沿革等各种信息,因此具有极高的观赏与收藏价值。全套珍藏册配以高品位华美的装帧 ,融知识性,艺术性和收藏价值于一体,实为不可多得的收藏珍品,具有恒久的历史意义和保存价值。

Open this collection, you will enjoy all kinds of coins made of various metals with different shapes and patterns, and paper coins issued in different countries with various colors and patterns. Each kind of currency contains various information such as history, geography, politics, economy, art, customs, beliefs, local customs, cultural background, historical evolution, etc., so it has a high value of viewing and collecting. The whole collection, with high-grade and gorgeous decoration, integrates knowledge, artistry and collection value. It is a rare collection, and has a long historical significance and preservation value.


Coins and stamps are the inventions of human civilization and progress, and also mark the prosperity of human economic life and close cultural exchanges. In the square inch, it exudes strong exotic customs, shows wonderful historical scenes, shows human's wonderful artistic creativity, and leaves historical footprints.


The collection of coins has always paid attention to the collection of all coins. There are 88 coins from all over the world. Each coin carries the different historical civilization, customs and religious beliefs of the countries along the way. Each coin is a precious wealth left to mankind. It is a rare collection to collect coins from all countries at one time, just like a brilliant Coin Museum, which integrates cultural value, historical value and collection and commemorative value


The collection contains 88 world-class notes, coins and stamps. The book is well illustrated and beautifully designed, with rich materials and pictures. The book is full of colorful special aesthetic feeling, showing the beautiful pictures of ancient coin culture around the world. It explains the development history of ancient coins all over the world and has high cultural value, historical value and collection value.








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