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网上古玩商城精品推荐19年第八期 毛泽东像章

发布时间:2019-08-30 23:21来源:


"Red Collection" refers to the collection and arrangement of historical relics and documents related to the revolutionary activities under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. There are many kinds of red collections. Classical cultural relics, documents and other remains that can show the fighting style of the Chinese Communists for more than 80 years, important conferences, major battles and other major events in the history of the Chinese Communist Party and the people's army all belong to the category of "red collections". Among them, works depicting revolutionary leaders and heroes are the most important. Limited red collection, unlimited market demand.

在所有的"文革"物品里,毛泽东像章无疑是最具有收藏价值的。 "文革"时期的像章主要是"文革"初期的三年内集中制作的,由于"文革"时期无限制地制作毛主席像章,当时绝大多数家庭或多或少地拥有毛主席像章,据此推测,整个"文革"时期的毛主席像章总量应在30亿枚以上。这类毛主席像章虽然均以毛泽东肖像为主图案,但造型、色彩、材质、寓意、制作发行主体等却千差万别,据保守估计,最起码在二万多个种类以上。由于毛主席像章的独特性,这一重要的徽章工艺艺术品在中华艺术史上占有一席特殊地位。它作为徽章文化的物质载体,颇具特殊的文物价值外,还具有很高的经济价值。

Of all the "cultural revolution" articles, Mao Zedong's badge with sb on it is undoubtedly the most collectible. The badge with sb on it during the "cultural revolution" period was mainly produced centrally in the first three years of the "cultural revolution". since chairman Mao badge with sb on it was produced without restriction during the "cultural revolution" period, the vast majority of families had chairman Mao badge with sb on it more or less at that time. according to this, the total number of chairman Mao badge with sb on it during the whole "cultural revolution" period should be over 3 billion. Although Mao Zedong's portrait is the main pattern of this kind of Mao Zedong badge, its shape, color, material, implication, main body of production and distribution are quite different. According to conservative estimates, there are at least more than 20,000 kinds. Due to the uniqueness of Chairman Mao's badge, this important badge craft art occupies a special position in the history of Chinese art. As the material carrier of badge culture, it has not only special cultural relic value, but also high economic value.


Mao Zedong's badge with sb on it can be divided into early, middle and late chapters. The early chapter was made from the war years to 1965. It can be traced back to the Mao Zedong badge made by Yan 'an Lu Yi artists with toothpaste tubes in the 1930s. Later chapters refer to all kinds of Mao Zedong badges made after 1976, especially the 100th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth. The mid-term chapter was from 1966 to the winter of 1969. For more than three years, Mao Zedong's badge with the portrait of a great man as the main commemorative medallion was produced nationwide. I am afraid Mao Zedong's badge should be promoted because of its excellent appearance, abundant content, small quantity, excellent quality, rare popularity and high usage rate. Therefore, Mao Zedong badge with sb on it is the treasure of the Chinese badge, which adds a lot of color to the badge culture in the world.



As a cultural phenomenon, Mao Zedong's badge with sb on it contains extremely rich social history and cultural connotation. The design and production of Mao Zedong's badge with sb on it is a comprehensive art, which integrates painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, photography, pottery, sculpture and other arts.


作为一代伟人的毛泽东,不但是政治家、军事家、思想家、外交家,还是文学家、书法家、诗人。毛泽东34首诗词在中国广为流传,而诗词中大量的诗句都在毛泽东像章上出现,特别是石家庄红太阳证章厂出的三套毛泽东诗词34枚套章(小诗词铝章和有机玻璃章),设计别致、制作精良、气势博大、图文并茂,其精湛的微雕艺术把毛泽东各个时期的神态刻画得惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,把毛泽东34首诗词的意境和各个革命时期的历程景观结合得天衣无缝,把诗、书、画三位一体的艺术结合达到了绝妙的境地,它是毛泽东像章的艺术杰作,是徽章文化的经典。此枚徽章 ,更是显示了我国现在的,繁荣昌泰,与日俱增,非常少有,论其品相 ,看其包浆,值得收藏,

As a generation of great men, Mao Zedong was not only a statesman, strategist, thinker and diplomat, but also a writer, calligrapher and poet. Mao Zedong's 34 poems are widely circulated in China, and a large number of poems appear on Mao Zedong's badge with sb on it. in particular, the three sets of 34 sets of Mao Zedong's poems (small poems, aluminum and plexiglass) produced by Shijiazhuang red sun badge factory are unique in design, well-made, broad in momentum, and illustrated with pictures and texts. Mao Zedong's expression in various periods is vividly depicted by his exquisite micro-carving art. The artistic conception of Mao Zedong's 34 poems is seamlessly integrated with the historical landscape of various revolutionary periods. The artistic combination of poetry, books and paintings has reached a wonderful position. It is Mao Zedong's masterpiece of badge with sb on it and a classic of badge culture. This badge shows that our country is now prosperous and prosperous. It is increasing with each passing day. It is rare. Judging from its appearance and its paste, it is worth collecting.






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