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发布时间:2020-11-19 19:43来源:


Tongbao of Qianlong was the currency of Qianlong period (1736-1795). During the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong's reign, he carried out his strategy of "governing the country with culture and martial arts", which created the last glorious era in the feudal society. Later, it was widely said that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coins could drive away disasters and evil spirits. Because of the homonym "Qianlong", it was loved by later collectors. The casting technology of Qianlong Tongbao is excellent, which lays the foundation for the important position of the ancient coins in the future coin collection. It not only reflects the economic development degree of the era, but also shows the extremely exquisite casting technology of the historical period, which has a profound historical research significance.


Jiaqing Tongbao was cast in the reign of zongjiaqing. During Jiaqing period, some regular articles appeared, such as Jiaqing Wanshou regular big money, with two styles of light back and back superstar, which may have been cast in Southwest China. According to the money making since the early Qing Dynasty, there was no emphasis on calligraphy, but Xiaoping of jiaqingbao Guizhou bureau had a kind of regular , which was neat and fresh. In Jiaqing, there are also cursive money texts on the back of money, such as GuiGui, Kangkang and Shoushou on the back of Tongbao in Jiaqing, all of which are right regular and left cursive, which are also estimated to be palace money.



Kangxi Tongbao, coins of Qing Dynasty. It was cast in the reign of Emperor Kangxi. According to the characters on the back, Kangxi Tongbao can be divided into two categories: one is the Manchu money imitating the four types of Shunzhi. Qian Beiman's left reading of "Baoquan" and "Baoyuan" is made by the household and the industry. The other is to imitate "Shunzhi five styles" in Chinese. Kangxi Tongbao has Xiaoping and ten big money. In addition to Baoyuan and Baoquan bureaus, all provinces are named after the Bureau of Manchu characters, with Manchu characters on the left and Chinese characters on the right. All the money cast in each province is Xiaoping. The ten large coins were cast by Baoyuan Bureau. The face text was separated from Guo's wheel, and the back full of Baoyuan was arranged around.


Shunzhi Tongbao is the first coin that was cast after the entry of the Qing Dynasty. Its casting process is a process of continuous exploration and summary of the currency system in the early Qing Dynasty. Since then, the coins of the Qing Dynasty have been minted according to the Shunzhi style.



At the time of Yongzheng Tongbao's casting, the Qing Dynasty was at the peak of KangQian era. Compared with Qianlong Tongbao and Jiaqing Tongbao, its quality was higher and its control over currency was stronger. Compared with Shunzhi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao was in the most prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty, with stable society. As a product of the prosperous period, the layout of Yongzheng Tongbao was the simplest.



Daoguang Tong Bao was cast during the Reign of Daoguang emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty (1821-1850). Qian Wen "Dao Guang Tong Bao" four characters written in regular script. From top to bottom and right and left straight read, money back is to remember the treasure bureau of twenty Manchu. The shape and system characteristics of Daoguang Tongbao are basically the same as those of Jiaqing money, except that the lack of brass in Jikesu and Kuche in Xinjiang province led to the casting of the 50 percent discount and 10 percent appreciation money, which was the beginning of the imaginary money in the Qing Dynasty.



This group of coins is of suitable size and standard size, and was cast in the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. After endless years of baptism, the surface of coins has been slightly worn, but it does not affect the overall aesthetic feeling. On the contrary, it has a sense of historical vicissitudes. It is rich in historical deposits, transitional nature, profound historical value and great significance for collection. The coins of this group are round coins with square holes, slightly wide margin, plain color and mellow coating. Qian wenduanzhuang's style is magnificent, the font is deep and straight, upright, vigorous and powerful, and the calligraphy art value is quite high. The design of the coin is simple and atmospheric, simple and elegant, natural color, moderate depth of decoration, clear outline of the coin, good appearance, exquisite casting and exquisite workmanship. It is a masterpiece of craftsman's ingenuity.





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